My name is Karsten Østergaard Noe and I was born in 1980. Since my older brother got his first computer (a Commodore 64) I have been interested in programming – at that time especially computer graphics and games.

I was educated with a master’s degree. scientist. in computer science in 2006 from Aarhus University with a minor in physics. In 2009, I completed a PhD from the same university. in computer science in collaboration with the Department of Oncology at Aarhus University Hospital. The focal point of the project was the use of graphics processing units (GPUs) to accelerate the calculation of biomechanical models with the aim of making it possible to better assess the total radiation dose that a cancer patient receives during a course of radiotherapy. The PhD program was financially supported by the development department of one of the large companies in the production of radiation therapy equipment.

Between 2009 and 2022 I have been employed at the Alexandra Institute, and have helped build up a lab, which was first called the Computer Graphics Lab and then the Visual Computing Lab, where we have worked with technology within computer graphics and image analysis. My title here was Principal Visual Computing Specialist. Here I have participated in projects of a commercial nature (consultancy work) and of a research nature (research projects in collaboration with companies and research institutions). Often our role has been to collaborate with small and medium-sized companies in connection with the technical maturation of ideas and the identification of technical uncertainties and risks in connection with digital innovation projects. The way I have worked is thus most often to develop so-called vertical prototypes that uncover and reduce these uncertainties. Other times, together with my colleagues, I have been hired by the research and development departments of large, international companies to help solve a technical challenge within our specialist areas.

After receiving my PhD in Computer Science in 2009 I have been employed for more than 12 years at a not-for-profit applied IT research institute, where I have worked on a wealth of projects – research projects as well as commercial ones. In recent years deep learning has been one of my main tools but my broad experience with conventional image processing techniques often gives me an advantage over pure data driven approaches. I have also occasionally contributed to projects in the cross field between computer vision and computer graphics.

I am rich in ideas and good at coming up with new solutions to technical challenges. I am an experienced, professional and reliable consultant that take pride in finding the RIGHT solution for the customer. Furthermore I am good at creating a good atmosphere in a working relationship and at collaborating in cross-disciplinary teams.

My customers have been both small businesses and huge international companies as well as governmental agencies. Among other things I have worked with:

– Segmenting, locating and reconstructing objects on remote sensing data (satellite images, orthophotos, oblique photos, LIDAR point clouds).

– building a pipeline for orthophoto generation from aerial photos on large scale

– designing data representations for a system to combine photogrammetrically generated 3D models from drone images with deep learning based surface analysis.

– Segmentation and registration on 3D medical images (MRI, CT)

– building computer vision plugins for Unity for use in augmented reality concepts.

– data set generation and development o
f deformable tissue models for a medical simulator.

– many different approaches to recognizing toy elements from images and/or depth sensors to be used in play concepts that bridge the physical-digital barrier.